Apr 27, 2018
Actress Elena V.Wolfe comes on the show to chat about her new show on Nickelodeon called Star Falls and more!
Apr 22, 2018
Victor DiMattia who played Timmy Timmons in the classic baseball flick The Sandlot joins Popternative. He talks about The Sandlot turning 25 years old and more!
Apr 18, 2018
Super Troopers 2 comes out April 20th and Erik Stolhanske who plays Rabbit in Super Troopers joins the show! Stolhanske talks about what fans can expect from Super Troopers 2, how we got started with Broken Lizard and more!
Apr 18, 2018
Here's our 1 on 1 with CEO of Woodbine Entertainment & Chairman of the CFL Jim Lawson. We talk Horse Racing, Football and there is some sports biz chatter as a well!
Apr 14, 2018
Lead Vocalist of Silverstein Shane Told comes on the show to talk about a bunch of stuff including his podcast Lead Singer Syndrome, Vans Warped Tour ending and more
Check out the show: https://soundcloud.com/leadsingersyndrome